Literary Arts


Two Poems by Allyson Lima

Never Times Never (Shakespeare in the Pacific Northwest) The poet, gilled aches— Salmon his singular fling upstream arches hard— spawns another poem another daughter. Having evaded this time the law of...

Three Poems by Yvette Neisser

HUSBAND A handthat reaches out mooring mefrom a night of wind-tossed dreams luring me back to portthis bed our terra firma the heat of his palmthe only thing...

Three Poems by Marianne Szlyk

Fishing Poem The grandfather I never knew fished for hornpout in a pond I heard about but never saw. There my mother’s family spent summers, less...

Two Poems by Ethan Goffman

Waiting to Cross a Busy Road I am trying to cross a busy road at a spot with no crosswalk for miles and miles and miles and miles but...

Two Poems by Mabel Ferragut Smith

To the Poet—S. K.— on Channel WNET-13 Your unexpected radiance lightens the gloom in Brooklyn. You hunch; you sit by the sea. Rumbling like the rumpled waves, your voice splashes me....

Three Poems by CL Bledsoe

A Kind of Spring The best time to fall in love is when you share your greatest fear with someone who isn’t listening. There’s a decent chance that will...

Two Poems by Kristin Kowalski Ferragut

Vacuum Not a heavy weight, more like carrying around the five extra pounds from the holidays all year. Or maybe more like something one picks up and sets...

Two Poems by Luther Jett

War StoryHere is the book with torn pages. Only half remains to be deciphered. And here is the house with burnt rooms, and a few fading photos scattered across the floor. And...

Two Poems by Yvonne Brewer

Twigs there was one left on my front doorstep, it halved when touched a large divining one   bent in the right place waited for me to pick it up on...

Two Poems by Serena Agusto-Cox

School Yard Games I. Huddled    still too many of us    for the old oak to hide We wait    silent tap, tap, tap our shoulders     giggles erupt II. Crouched     under the desk, knees up heads...


Three Poems by Heather Bruce Satrom

Three Poems Written North of Baltimore Floating in the North Branch of the Patapsco River on an Afternoon in May It wasn’t even June when the...

Two Poems by L Lois

The Picture there was a manwaiting under the eavesat the bathhousewhen I walked byhis camera slung around his neckcounting on the silvery blueof the oceanand...

Two Poems by Don Krieger

In the BeginningWe in Americawake to the horror,1200 dead, 200 abducted,Israel poised to destroyas God did to Sodom.We swear: “Never forget”or: “Free Palestine”or...