Wake up in harsh lighting,startled by an announcement.There is a sudden shift fromeight hours of sittingto scurrying about your seat.Pull bags down from bins,drag suitcases through the aisle,force your body in...
My work involves the suspension of faith in science and organized belief systems; I deal with the beautiful, horrific, and sublime nature of the human body.
Glass Dreams
In dream,my father witnessed the ceremonial conclusion of my apprentice scholar period—when my name was summoned into awakening—accepts my absence from the quorum...
Found Poem in Christmas LetterFrom a Former Blond Bombshell
Our abilities shrink daily.Dave is on his walker.I am on oxygen.We are often cranky.
I saw my...
Dance is organized movement where people express themselves for different reasons to enjoy the body’s energies and messages joined with the spirit and to...