Literary Arts


Three Poems by Heather Bruce Satrom

Three Poems Written North of Baltimore Floating in the North Branch of the Patapsco River on an Afternoon in May It wasn’t even June when the...

Two Poems by L Lois

The Picture there was a manwaiting under the eavesat the bathhousewhen I walked byhis camera slung around his neckcounting on the silvery blueof the oceanand...

Two Poems by Don Krieger

In the BeginningWe in Americawake to the horror,1200 dead, 200 abducted,Israel poised to destroyas God did to Sodom.We swear: “Never forget”or: “Free Palestine”or...

Two Poems by Allan Ebert

Happy Birthday, Old Man! Every birthday I weigh less. I’m down to the last hole on my belt. There’s more hair in the clothes dryer, than...

Three Poems by Michael Gushue

Turning ElegyLeaving is all we have.It’s your not being here speaking.Leaving the door ajar, the tableswept—turning into something less than comfort. What did you...

Two Poems by Jim Smith

Eating the Sun At the Alburgh VT eclipse festival, children sit at a picnic table drawing the sun with black crayons. A dragonfly brushes my...

Two Poems by Mark Thalman

At the State Maximum Security PrisonThere are no elevators. They can’t be secured.To get to classrooms on the third floor,everyone takes the stairs.Before...

Two Poems by Le Hinton

The Rainy Season We report the discovery of the Labord’s chameleon, with a posthatching life span of just 4–5 months.— PNAS abstract: “Unique life history...

Two Poems by D. R. James

I Don’t Know the Biochemistryof a Hummingbird I can only wonderat this blurredwhir of evidence, cloudedin the blue fanof a thousandwings. I wantto feeltheir million...

Two Poems by Nathan Scheer

“Lost” -For NACIs it possible to grievefor someone who still breathes?To mourn someone who still walksand works and talks...


Three Poems by Heather Bruce Satrom

Three Poems Written North of Baltimore Floating in the North Branch of the Patapsco River on an Afternoon in May It wasn’t even June when the...

Two Poems by L Lois

The Picture there was a manwaiting under the eavesat the bathhousewhen I walked byhis camera slung around his neckcounting on the silvery blueof the oceanand...

Two Poems by Don Krieger

In the BeginningWe in Americawake to the horror,1200 dead, 200 abducted,Israel poised to destroyas God did to Sodom.We swear: “Never forget”or: “Free Palestine”or...