Literary Arts


Nuts by Melanie Bilkowski

Today is just another Peanut Butter and Jelly day. 0.75 cents per sandwich retail. But by the time My daughter is 35, I am sure that it’ll be triple...

Two Poems by Jacqueline Jules

Avocado Secret When the widow wrote how her husband once said she was like a perfectly ripe avocado, I wanted to rush right out and buy one. Examine its tough exterior, creamy...

From Let The Wind Push Us Across by Jane Schapiro

Tent Sometimes in the morning, before opening my eyes, I dream of our tent, that tiny green dome. From behind its walls thin as skin, I hear birds, leaves, a brush...

James Hampton, The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations Millennium General Assembly (ca. 1950–1964) by Pamela Murray Winters

Tossing away sandwiches, chewing gum, cigarettes, he made his heaven from wrappers, commerce’s carapace. Who would discard the meat of the thing: shake out the book and bow to the...

Epilogue by Neelam Patel

I hate you with the sharpness of the edges of a Viking's teeth I hate you from every part of my body - from my...

Kitchen Fire by Kate Horowitz

In the photo of the kitchen fire, We are dressed for Christmas: Me in a flammable hand-me-down jacket, Her in her costume jewelry And her Edward Scissorhands t-shirt.   The...

The Beginning of Prayer by Sarah Katz

My father, tangled in the height of adolescence, wept outside Old Saint Paul’s Church as spring died, reading Desiderata. The poem lay inscribed in rock at the...

True Story Metaphors by Diana Smith Bolton

True Story Metaphor for My Parents' Divorce In this shrinking house, I am still growing, my wrist gripped between window and sill, one toe pinched in neat...

Lucifer by CL Bledsoe

When I went to pick my daughter up at pre-school, the kids were on the playground. Her teachers eyed me uncomfortably and glanced across the slide at...

[POEM] Drinking Weather by Gregory Luce

Sky perfect dull gray intermittent spits of rain not cold or warm and just enough wind to get inside a jacket and I have nothing to do and all the...


Black (prep): To by Sidney Jones Jr.

These poems are part of a special section of the Mid-Atlantic Review, Celebrating Black History, and selected by editors Khadijah Ali-Coleman, Carolivia Herron, and...

Paulie’s War by Matthew Henry

These poems are part of a special section of the Mid-Atlantic Review, Celebrating Black History, and selected by editors Khadijah Ali-Coleman, Carolivia Herron, and...

Three Poems by Susan Mockler

Transformation Everyday, I delivermyself to impossibility.I transform:Today, a bird,my slumberous bodygiving way to lightweight skeleton,sturdy muscles, aero foil wingsthat lift me, flapping or soaringkeeping me...