

Haiku by Charles David Kleymeyer

Haiku Haiku haiku moment — most pure before words form   swallowing cherry blossoms… will I compose haiku with a japanese heart?   loon skimming still lake above its own image — ...

Two Poems by Courtney LeBlanc

Ocean I’ve got insomnia again. I lay awake for hours, listening to the fan whirl as my thoughts swim round and round to you. You’re six hours behind so when I can’t sleep...

The Fallen by David Allen Sullivan

Off trail where there was no trail, where your heart was an injured bird, where you buried your love for your first wife, and for her lover— whom...

Complicity by Carol Poster

Caught in the gusting wind, a swallowtail flutters ahead. The lights are red for eight lanes in each direction, leaving a vast emptiness at the heart of the intersection, except...

Shared Bed by Maryhelen Snyder

Grandgirl, you are in my bed now, and in all of it. You are horizontal and your soccer feet are planted like oaks on the far...

Two Poems by Jacqueline Jules

Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving My mother framed the Rockwell painting. That image of matriarch in white apron setting down white platter with turkey large enough to feed all the smiling...

Two Poems by William Tinto

Awakening in Poesy Town This morning I rose from my bed, as if from between the sheets of the New Yorker, the world random as free verse. Today...

Two Poems by Mike McDermott

Pas de Deux   In our choreography, Dad and I had three types of dance: the shower, the stairs, and the car. The shower’s dance was a slow kabuki-   like...

The Burden of Southern History by W. Perry Epes

As if England and Nature were the same, At Williamsburg we imitate by culling Tricorn and lace—it’s Restoration Game! And out we strut, colonialling, Having to mincestep Revolution...

Two Poems by Sally Toner

If John Waters Hung Out in Reston He’d live in our townhouse, with the filthiest bathroom alive— a rust hole in the sink so big it’ll...


Three Poems by Heather Bruce Satrom

Three Poems Written North of Baltimore Floating in the North Branch of the Patapsco River on an Afternoon in May It wasn’t even June when the...

Two Poems by L Lois

The Picture there was a manwaiting under the eavesat the bathhousewhen I walked byhis camera slung around his neckcounting on the silvery blueof the oceanand...

Two Poems by Don Krieger

In the BeginningWe in Americawake to the horror,1200 dead, 200 abducted,Israel poised to destroyas God did to Sodom.We swear: “Never forget”or: “Free Palestine”or...