DC Poetry


Four Poems by Jenn Koiter

Easter Night After a long sleep, I wake,long after the chill of sunrise services in parks,after high heels sinking into wet grass,after even late morning...

Ads by Theo Luce

Ads “JOIN THE DMV! BUY OUR ORGANIC SALSA!” Burning on filthy subway walls Jerking back, muttering “it’s too bright,” Train coming, train coming A long silver bullet blasting through...

Two Poems by Susan Meehan

Goddesses Incognito Underneath the drab, the daily, we are passionate goddesses parading in spangles glinting jewels shimmering cloth that mirror our enticing hips. Underneath ragged watchcaps, we are tender goddesses crowned in headwraps tiaras mantillas bandanas that accentuate our nobility. Underneath...

Two Poems by John Johnson

My Ancestors My ancestors picked cotton Worked hard stacked brick by brick The old say the young Just scroll the mouse Facebook Instagram and click They call them the instant Microwave...

Two Poems by Mike McDermott

Pas de Deux   In our choreography, Dad and I had three types of dance: the shower, the stairs, and the car. The shower’s dance was a slow kabuki-   like...

Two Poems by Sally Toner

If John Waters Hung Out in Reston He’d live in our townhouse, with the filthiest bathroom alive— a rust hole in the sink so big it’ll...

Two Poems by Alexander Olesker

Cape Cod Peace rumbles in the distance like thunder then flashes in your window like lightening to hang heavy in the air like the damp so the boards...

James Hampton, The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations Millennium General Assembly (ca. 1950–1964) by Pamela Murray Winters

Tossing away sandwiches, chewing gum, cigarettes, he made his heaven from wrappers, commerce’s carapace. Who would discard the meat of the thing: shake out the book and bow to the...

Lucifer by CL Bledsoe

When I went to pick my daughter up at pre-school, the kids were on the playground. Her teachers eyed me uncomfortably and glanced across the slide at...

My Hometown by Sarah D. Lawson

A new poem by Sarah D. Lawson.


Five Poems by Virginia Bell

Meuse I Pron.: /ˈmjuz/ a depression leftin the grass, a shallowbowl, or profound, a gap in the hedgethe hog trespassed, in otherwords, not the animal but the space...

Two Poems by Ann-Marie Maloney

The Marrow of My Bones There is a hurt that runs so deep within the marrow of my bones, Twisted lies Deceiving smile Words dipped in scalding...

Two Poems by Maggie Rosen

My Milk Glass Mother You were my thunderstorm mother. You were my abalone mother. You were my milk glass mother. You reveled in flaws. You turned an opaque...