DC Student Arts journalism Challenge


Brain Teaser: Nerd Comedian Dhaya Lakshminarayanan by Amy Char

Theater Comedian Dhaya Lakshminarayanan was once accidentally lodged in former president Bill Clinton's cleavage. "I shook his hand and then someone behind me pushed me so I kind of ended up in his man boobs — this was big Bill Clinton — and I got sort of squished in there,"

Inside Out: Mind’s Eye by Mark Lieberman

The latest Pixar movie follows an 11 year-old girl named Riley, who moves with her family from her childhood home in Minnesota to a dingy apartment in San Francisco. The move makes Riley sad.

Turn on, Tune in, and Drop by the National Gallery by Clare Donnelly

We all know what it feels like to be the black sheep – and we can all recall a time when that’s all we...


Three Poppy Poems by Ori Z Soltes

The following poems are from Ori Z Soltes' new collection of poems, My Life as a Dog: Poppy Poems. The author will be reading from...

Four Poems by Olga Livshin

A Big Mug of Awesome Tea Lemon balm from the Carpathian Mountains.She steeped it on her Odesa balcony, letting the tea breathe its small fragrance...

Two Poems by Piérre Ramon Thomas

Earthly Interference in Cosmic Communications Waves pass through me,Slicing me nicelyWhile leaving me whole. Currents beseechMy embarkment:Admiral of the crests. Yet Paper with dead presidentsOccupy so much...