Pyramid Atlantic


Damaged Sound and Matter by Nate Scheible

I started playing drums when I was 12, joined my first band at 14, and played in bands consistently for more than two decades....

Transporting by Gary Rouzer

Years ago the vision in my head was to be a bassist in a famous band but it didn’t turn out like that. Music for me is about helping people attain a more intense awareness of their own life and to quote John Cage, creating “a music that transports the listener to the moment where he is.”

The Sloth Ensemble: how far can you stretch sound before it breaks? by JS Adams

A few months ago experimental musician Chris Videll approached Daniel Barbiero and me to provide new works for a drone night that Chris is...

Endurance/Suspension by Jenny Walton

My work involves the suspension of faith in science and organized belief systems; I deal with the beautiful, horrific, and sublime nature of the human body.


Two Poems by Daniel Morris

A Rainy Day Song For Sly Stone You know today was rained out So inside all day just me and my Clicker my box my many Channels my...

Two Poems by Judith Taylor

The Hope She was born when I was three, old enoughto celebrate but not to understandthe grainy black and white photosof bodies stacked like...

Infinity by Faith Cotter

Infinity She dragsherself outfrom within quick shallowbreathsand stands tilts her head opensher mouth hears the earthan echoing tomb and how does she knowwhat a tomb is this woman withouta...