Volume 3 #1


Letter to the Editor by Stephen Nachmanovitch

Letter to the Editor from Stephen Nachmanovitch discussing improvisation: "All perception and action vibrate in a network of relationships."

The State of the Art: World Dance by Christel Stevens

Christel Stevens writes about challenges toward creation of professional World Dance performances, including funder preferences toward traditional concert dance styles, and the recent trend of combining European and 'World Dance' forms.

Introduction Focus Section “The State of Dance” by Dr. Naima Prevots

Naima Prevots introduction to the "State of the Arts" focus section originally published in Bourgeon Vol.3 #1


Five Poems by Virginia Bell

Meuse I Pron.: /ˈmjuz/ a depression leftin the grass, a shallowbowl, or profound, a gap in the hedgethe hog trespassed, in otherwords, not the animal but the space...

Two Poems by Ann-Marie Maloney

The Marrow of My Bones There is a hurt that runs so deep within the marrow of my bones, Twisted lies Deceiving smile Words dipped in scalding...

Two Poems by Maggie Rosen

My Milk Glass Mother You were my thunderstorm mother. You were my abalone mother. You were my milk glass mother. You reveled in flaws. You turned an opaque...