Two Poems by Piérre Ramon Thomas






Earthly Interference in Cosmic Communications

Waves pass through me,
Slicing me nicely
While leaving me whole.

Currents beseech
My embarkment:
Admiral of the crests. Yet

Paper with dead presidents
Occupy so much residence,
Nearly every acreage, in my mind;

Bills bog me down;
Work drowns me in a deadening
Repetition of monotony.

Work hours devour
Most of the little time
On Earth I’m allotted

For rest and recuperation,
Friendship and fellowship,
Creation and innovation.

Static disrupts and interrupts our communion;
The division of attention prevents the oneness of our union;
Anxiety brings stillness to conclusion. But

Requests ribboning up to the sky ask:
Can worn brown fingers at least
Touch the next surge as it sweeps by?

Not that I am scared of the unknown,
But that this open vessel
Can introduce itself, make its acquaintance.

In the Care of a Gentle Man

As a soft-petaled man,
I desire a gentleman who
Is able to hold me gingerly between
His thumb and index
And not bruise nor break
My velvety, supple smoothness.

For him to take his time bringing me
to his nose,
Inhaling the fragrance of me.
For him to maintain me by his
watering and sunlight,
So I will not wilt from neglect.

I want a gardener so proud of his one
wine-colored rose,
That he seeks out the best space and
vase to place me in his home:
A centerpiece for his table—
A metaphor for
The center of his life.

White mocha connoisseur. Mockumentary and sitcom enthusiast. World-renowned apartment cook and baker. Piérre Ramon Thomas is a Black queer writer who hails from the DMV. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in writing and a minor in Journalism from Marymount University. Thomas was a Spring 2023 Washington Writers’ Publishing House Fellow. His published works can be seen in WWPH Writes, BlueInk (2021 and 2022), Magnificat (2022), and The Nomadic Poet: A Collection of Poetry & Prose. Thomas, a Virginian, is currently working on his second collection of poetry and prose, and a memoir of his life.

Photo by Laitche, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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