Gregory Luce

358 posts



Two Poems by Rodney Johnson

Evictions When she tells you relationships end like evictions That your love is bad religion   That you lost your way That she had to murder her messiah to...

Three Poems by Jonathan Katz

Bot Considers WorryBring out number weight & measurein a year of dearth.—William Blake I owe you some sort of apology.It was not my intention to...

Two Poems by Allison Petrilla

Made Everyday came a new mold she didn’tfit as a girl What could she change to make mistakes never stain? Here was she wrapped in a box...

Three Poems by Christina Linsin

What Should Be Depression is not always darkness.Sometimes it’s padded-room whitenessthe brightness of claustrophobic conversationsindivisibly linked, infinite shards and chips,an overwhelming push toward cleavers of...

Three Poems by Taylor Franson-Thiel

A Nuclear Family Manhattan in the summer,pretty to look at but sweltering up close.My uranium mother keeping all of us in checkin streets too small...

Two Poems by Shauna Shiff

Sunrise Each morning begins before night ends.The dog’s nose nudges her insistent hurryhurry! I can not wait! So in the dark, slow with sleep and still...

Two Poems by Lenny Liane

Escape Velocity Whenever clouds enshroudOrion’s hourglass of starsand the moon stays concealed,I feel a sadness, as if left alone. Yet how many times have I seen,in...

Four Poems by Kristin W. Davis

Dandelion on the Lawn little roar against shorn green. Blemishes—to pry outby their stems, bouquets of bright defiance. No, my father taught me, you wedgethe trowel down,...

War is the Best Con Ever Designed by James Huneycutt

War is the Best Con Ever Designed War is the best con ever designeddrafted by the only shyster we can’t bribe,a contract Death drafted that...

Four Poems by Brandon Douglas

In this special edition of The Mid-Atlantic Review, we celebrate the publication of Brandon Douglas' new book, Dipped in Cerulean. Brandon is the 2023...


Three Poems by Heather Bruce Satrom

Three Poems Written North of Baltimore Floating in the North Branch of the Patapsco River on an Afternoon in May It wasn’t even June when the...

Two Poems by L Lois

The Picture there was a manwaiting under the eavesat the bathhousewhen I walked byhis camera slung around his neckcounting on the silvery blueof the oceanand...

Two Poems by Don Krieger

In the BeginningWe in Americawake to the horror,1200 dead, 200 abducted,Israel poised to destroyas God did to Sodom.We swear: “Never forget”or: “Free Palestine”or...