Two Poems by Allison Petrilla







Everyday came
a new mold
she didn’t
fit as a girl

What could she
change to make
mistakes never stain?

Here was she
wrapped in a
box as a doll
With a bow With no voice
With a dress
Without a flaw

Why did they
think she could fit
if nothing
was made for her?


Inside it stays with us,
We may grow but
Behind the suits and
The smiles sits
A child

It sees every frown and
It cries while we laugh,
Slowly withering for us to
Be polite

With makeup we
hide in elegance,
With money in power,
With tears, in the
Warmth of our crib where
We belong

Maybe a tree holds
It’s roots deepest where
there is room to grow,
But we don’t grow up,
We grow over

My name is Ally and I am in 11th grade. I don’t usually share my poems but I felt that these two might inspire someone and ultimately send a broader message that can only be conveyed in poetry.

Young oak tree by Jonathan Billinger, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

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