

What is Dance: Sixteen One Sentence Answers by New York based choreographers

Sixteen New York based choreographers answer the question "what is dance?" They then all order no-whip soy macciatos.

Local History: Jan Tievsky on Glen Echo Dance

The founder of dance at Glen Echo discusses the dance scene in Washington in the 1970s and 1980s, and how she worked with the Park Service to create one of the first major local public dance institutions.

Rima Faber on Pola Nirenska

Rima Faber writes about Pola Nirenska, one of the founders of the dance community in Washington, D.C.

A College Degree: What is it Good For? by Gesel Mason

Choreographer, Dancer, and Teacher Gesel Mason considers the purpose of a college dance degree for aspiring dancers - learning to master Fear.

Gender in Dance Leadership by Heather Risley

Commissioned by Bourgeon, Heather Risley reports on Dance USA's national survey of Gender in Dance Leadership, exploring local expressions and influences on this national trend.

Local Work (or not so local) by Jessica Hirst

"One of my least favorite cultural institutions here is the Auto Hotel. Auto Hotels are designed expressly for covert sexual encounters, and they’re everywhere. When you drive into an auto-hotel an attendant waves you toward a very tight enclosed parking space."

Sharing Balance in Contact Improvisation by Ken Manheimer

Dancer and dance teacher Ken Manheimer shares his thoughts and understanding about the dance technique Contact Improvisation

Open Reply to Loren Ludwig by Rob Bettmann

Rob Bettmann responsed to Loren Ludwig: "A poet could say that the English language is the language of oppression, the language of Columbus, Nixon, Bush, Rumsfeld and whatever that guys name is on Fox News. But you could equally say that English is the language of Audre Lorde, Nina Simone, and Bell Hooks."

An Open Letter to Rob Bettmann by Loren Ludwig

An open letter from musician, composer and music historian Loren Ludwig to Bourgeon editor Robert Bettmann asserting that "technique is ideology."

Method to the Madness: Weighing in on Hip Hop Technique by Aysha Upchurch

"Hip Hop is not just a trend or fad, or young people behaving badly. It is a cultural product of 1970’s urban history. It is not something that started in a studio or under a microscope. Hip Hop began as a counter culture. "


Remembrance by Mariam Ahmed

Remembrance The sun sleepsIn the dirt, here.I am less smoke, more steam,The refreshing kind of bitter. In the dirt, here,We’ll plant our feet and leave.The refreshing...

Two Poems by Ince Lachey

observant gravity a sort of protestis underway performedin excellent style bythe superfluity of those who have ever beenbeloved by youwho beat with a hoop-stick against...

Two Poems by Charleigh Triaga

Phone Call: Grams, On Her Ex-Fiancé He’d show to work an hour late. Never have any money to go out and go anywhere. I always...