Rob Bettmann responsed to Loren Ludwig: "A poet could say that the English language is the language of oppression, the language of Columbus, Nixon, Bush, Rumsfeld and whatever that guys name is on Fox News. But you could equally say that English is the language of Audre Lorde, Nina Simone, and Bell Hooks."
originally published in the Focus Section on Technique, Bourgeon Vol. 2 #3
Ballet dance, like all art forms, has a technique that supports and enables...
"Hip Hop is not just a trend or fad, or young people behaving badly. It is a cultural product of 1970’s urban history. It is not something that started in a studio or under a microscope. Hip Hop began as a counter culture. "
Meuse I
Pron.: /ˈmjuz/
a depression leftin the grass, a shallowbowl, or profound,
a gap in the hedgethe hog trespassed, in otherwords, not the animal
but the space...
My Milk Glass Mother
You were my thunderstorm mother.
You were my abalone mother.
You were my milk glass mother.
You reveled in flaws. You turned an opaque...