Literary Arts


Four Poems by Michael Young

Fragments From where we sit, the waves seemto insist on shoving everything asideand always right at our feet, buildinga beach out of its bottomless discards:out...

Painting by Alice Neel by Nadia Arioli

Painting by Alice Neel Once in childhood, I saw love in an art book.Painting of Geoffrey Hendricks and Brian.But, of course, I couldn’t read thenand...

Two Poems by Michelle Ott

On Learning to Be Alone You are not supposed to want itout loud (or so I am told): the breaking open of the sternum,the flooding of...

Three Poems by James Gurley

Starry Night And the Astronauts “When I paint space, I am with the astronauts,”—Alma Thomas, visionary artist and painter, 1972 A Japanese billionaire books SpaceX’s starship...

Four Poems by Beth Konkoski

Informal Form your thinking in lines of two.Let couplets speak their gauzy magic. Does this form count? No real form butwhite space, no imposition but a...

Two Poems by A. Z. Foreman

Historian A world of vanished nations in your head You lie tonight without a thought to spare Anything but the wind that downs the leaves...

Darcy’s Pantoum by Kirby Wright

DARCY’S PANTOUMTrained to be invisible yet helpful.Latchkey kid living beside the tracks.Console Mom when first marriage flops.Summer visit Dad’s new family in Maine.Latchkey kid...

Two Poems by Sofia Reyes

El Jorobado I hate talking to a beautiful man.It’s like trying to talk to the statue of David. Every inch of him is crafted,to form...

My Greatest Performance by Taylor Kovach

My Greatest Performance Long hair, curled to perfection, 5am sharp Pink frilly dresses and sparkly eye shadow American Eagle skinny jeans Peach Aeropostale shirts Magenta belt wrapped around hips After...

Three Poems by Kristin Kowalski Ferragut

Alive on Cuckold Creek I My thalassophobic daughter monitorsmy adventures. I’m known to cross unfamiliarwaters, over my head, with wind, stinginginvertebrates, and at times little...


Unsayable by Loreena Freed

Unsayable That day you went the cracks of dawnThat fractured us like porcelainRan down my road. You called uponAll things but us to start again.That...

Three Poems by Pamela Mathison-Levitt

What it feels like to tell your child about the loss of your/their human rights The day Roe vs. Wade was overturned,I detached,a power cord...

Three Poems by Barbara Schwartz

Touch From our family bones make marsh-duffsoil, salt, a kingdom of seedling, stalk—Drinking purple dawn, we wade in the strangeautumnal songs, swallow sunshine, sweet cornskin,...