Literary Arts


Two Poems by Allan Ebert

RAINY DAY SOULSONG It’s time to quietthe jealous pastfind new stormsto rile our bloodone eyeon tomorrowthe other, wiseto yesterdaysharp as diamondsand the sky openedto the...

Two Poems by Jonathan Lewis

Red-eye Wake up in harsh lighting,startled by an announcement.There is a sudden shift fromeight hours of sittingto scurrying about your seat.Pull bags down from bins,drag...

Two Poems by Scott Ferry

dear tiny flowers i know you are weeds and i would kill youwithout mercy if you were in my yardbut this is not my space...

Two Poems by Sandra McRae

Beaver Moon Eclipse I will love youlong after this soft pearl of a moonis swallowed by the shadow of the earth.Look how she mouths the...

Only the Forest Remembers by Andre F. Peltier

Only the Forest Remembers Only the forest remembersand us.The sturdy, low boughsheld us in our youthas we climbed.The upper twigs swayedand bent in the wind.From...

Two Poems by Faith Cotter

for a leucistic barred owl One afternoon, I found a snow-white barred owl lying prostrate atthe base of a pine tree.She was the most solemn,most...

Five Poems by Ellen Aronofsky Cole

The Swarm 1.The buzz comes again this morning,too familiar, a tingling in my buttocksand back, my middle, my ribs.Bees inhabit my body. A poet I know...

The Other Side of Mind by Henry Crawford

The Other Side of MindEven as you’re trying to decide where to break this lineI’m right hereguiding this morning’s coffeedown the twisting tubesof your...

Three Poems by Heather Bruce Satrom

Three Poems Written North of Baltimore Floating in the North Branch of the Patapsco River on an Afternoon in May It wasn’t even June when the...

Two Poems by L Lois

The Picture there was a manwaiting under the eavesat the bathhousewhen I walked byhis camera slung around his neckcounting on the silvery blueof the oceanand...


Unsayable by Loreena Freed

Unsayable That day you went the cracks of dawnThat fractured us like porcelainRan down my road. You called uponAll things but us to start again.That...

Three Poems by Pamela Mathison-Levitt

What it feels like to tell your child about the loss of your/their human rights The day Roe vs. Wade was overturned,I detached,a power cord...

Three Poems by Barbara Schwartz

Touch From our family bones make marsh-duffsoil, salt, a kingdom of seedling, stalk—Drinking purple dawn, we wade in the strangeautumnal songs, swallow sunshine, sweet cornskin,...