Literary Arts


True Story Metaphors by Diana Smith Bolton

True Story Metaphor for My Parents' Divorce In this shrinking house, I am still growing, my wrist gripped between window and sill, one toe pinched in neat...

Lucifer by CL Bledsoe

When I went to pick my daughter up at pre-school, the kids were on the playground. Her teachers eyed me uncomfortably and glanced across the slide at...

[POEM] Drinking Weather by Gregory Luce

Sky perfect dull gray intermittent spits of rain not cold or warm and just enough wind to get inside a jacket and I have nothing to do and all the...

U-Turn by Naomi Thiers

A new poem by Naomi Thiers: "I think of the woman driving Cypress Street Viaduct in the ’89 quake who heard God hiss: go back.


Two Poems by Darren Stein

The Four Sons I sit, the wicked son at the Passover table, my teeth blunted by my father, not because I am ignorant of the law like...

Two Poems by Karla Daly

vixen’s screamsplintering shriek in the dark too late for nighthawk too early for...

Two Poems by Alex Carrigan

“I just want to tell you that some people have war in their countries” After Sunu P. Chandy A Top Model contestant tells a cryinggirl this...