Roudolf Kharatian discusses the source and core of Ballet as an art form, including how the physical and the spiritual combine in training and performance. Reprinted from Bourgeon Vol. 1 #1, July 2005.
Rob Bettmann responsed to Loren Ludwig: "A poet could say that the English language is the language of oppression, the language of Columbus, Nixon, Bush, Rumsfeld and whatever that guys name is on Fox News. But you could equally say that English is the language of Audre Lorde, Nina Simone, and Bell Hooks."
originally published in the Focus Section on Technique, Bourgeon Vol. 2 #3
Ballet dance, like all art forms, has a technique that supports and enables...
That day you went the cracks of dawnThat fractured us like porcelainRan down my road. You called uponAll things but us to start again.That...
From our family bones make marsh-duffsoil, salt, a kingdom of seedling, stalk—Drinking purple dawn, we wade in the strangeautumnal songs, swallow sunshine, sweet cornskin,...