Loren Ludwig


Dear Ludwig, by Diana Dinerman

Arts writer and arts administrator Diana Dinerman replies to Loren Ludwig's Open Letter regarding ballet technique being "oppressive."

Open Reply to Loren Ludwig by Rob Bettmann

Rob Bettmann responsed to Loren Ludwig: "A poet could say that the English language is the language of oppression, the language of Columbus, Nixon, Bush, Rumsfeld and whatever that guys name is on Fox News. But you could equally say that English is the language of Audre Lorde, Nina Simone, and Bell Hooks."

An Open Letter to Rob Bettmann by Loren Ludwig

An open letter from musician, composer and music historian Loren Ludwig to Bourgeon editor Robert Bettmann asserting that "technique is ideology."


Three Poems by Heather Bruce Satrom

Three Poems Written North of Baltimore Floating in the North Branch of the Patapsco River on an Afternoon in May It wasn’t even June when the...

Two Poems by L Lois

The Picture there was a manwaiting under the eavesat the bathhousewhen I walked byhis camera slung around his neckcounting on the silvery blueof the oceanand...

Two Poems by Don Krieger

In the BeginningWe in Americawake to the horror,1200 dead, 200 abducted,Israel poised to destroyas God did to Sodom.We swear: “Never forget”or: “Free Palestine”or...