

Three Poems by Summer Hardinge

Aperture with thanks to Ikkyu SojunAnd I said, the moon is a house.It was...

Two Poems by Gary Grossman

Sir Isaac Newton's First Law of MetaphorAm I an object at rest or in motion?Newton proposes "an object at rest remains at rest" but...

Two Poems by Karla Daly

vixen’s screamsplintering shriek in the dark too late for nighthawk too early for...

One Poem by Michele Evans

sirenia n. the sirens, half bird and half woman, were “dangerous” maidens, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting voices to shipwreck on...

Two Poems by Judith Taylor

The Hope She was born when I was three, old enoughto celebrate but not to understandthe grainy black and white photosof bodies stacked like...

Entropy by Anant Dhavale

Entropy 1. Omar Khayyam taught usnot to burn our momentsmourning the deadfor they sleep peacefullyin their cold graves. strange fellow, he was, Omar Khayyamdidn't think much of...

Two Poems by Abigail Gray

Unproven HypothesisI’ve become so used to falling asleep that I could never – truly – be with you nowI would only be disappointedby your...

Broken Tooth By Ace Boggess

Broken Tooth A dream of a broken toothmeans fear of aging, change,or feeling powerless. Broken tooth would be a good namefor a rock bandin the alternative...

Two Poems by Don Krieger

In the BeginningWe in Americawake to the horror,1200 dead, 200 abducted,Israel poised to destroyas God did to Sodom.We swear: “Never forget”or: “Free Palestine”or...

Three Poems by Michael Gushue

Turning ElegyLeaving is all we have.It’s your not being here speaking.Leaving the door ajar, the tableswept—turning into something less than comfort. What did you...


Three Poppy Poems by Ori Z Soltes

The following poems are from Ori Z Soltes' new collection of poems, My Life as a Dog: Poppy Poems. The author will be reading from...

Four Poems by Olga Livshin

A Big Mug of Awesome Tea Lemon balm from the Carpathian Mountains.She steeped it on her Odesa balcony, letting the tea breathe its small fragrance...

Two Poems by Piérre Ramon Thomas

Earthly Interference in Cosmic Communications Waves pass through me,Slicing me nicelyWhile leaving me whole. Currents beseechMy embarkment:Admiral of the crests. Yet Paper with dead presidentsOccupy so much...