

One Poem by Bill Kurz

The Gothic Revival 1 sky cycled light, dark a bright tide of watercolor filled and ...

Two Poems by Fran Abrams

Follow the Directions It was the blue-covered cookbook she reached for every time. She couldn’t remember when she had received it, wondered if she had borrowed...

lady day by Timothy Hudenburg

lady dayin burgundy and blueher voice jazzesunlocks the mindyou wonder what follows timenotes her music comes aliveher voice oh you willshe sweatingly teasesblue piping...

The Odds Weren’t in Our Favor

The Odds Weren’t In Our Favorfor Janet A classic exit affair, she called it—and the diploma on the wallbacked up her assertion. Withour passion hot...

Where Vessels Go to Die by Uma Shankar

Where Vessels Go to Die Did you think of shipyards, things that sail the seasWhen you heard vessels- I am thinking of the gloriousUruli, peepa,kodam…Grand,...

Two Poems by Scott Ferry

tonight the sun sets in its usual fashion the spheres rotate inside themselves and then circumnavigate bodies in curved spacetime my children splash diamonds into the fire and acknowledge...

Two Poems by Dylan Tran

Sorting Through Mail at a Senior Home I make small piles on my desk To separate the residents  Who have passed and those still waiting For letters that...

typing double r’s by Doritt Carroll

typing double r's is a mistake my computer is attached tolike loving the wrong personor eating after 8 it can’t resistgiving me a string of themeach...

The Unfolding by Matthew Ratz

The Unfolding A flower blooming is the unfolding of all it could have ever been, its insides bellow outward; its potential is birthed under the...

Three Poems by Miguel Avero, translated by Jona Colson

Insomne Azules sueños cruzan la habitación a oscuras formando el rostro de las noches en un cielo de humedad. Alimenta el viento la voz del aguacero, surca mis oídos y...


Five Poems by Virginia Bell

Meuse I Pron.: /ˈmjuz/ a depression leftin the grass, a shallowbowl, or profound, a gap in the hedgethe hog trespassed, in otherwords, not the animal but the space...

Two Poems by Ann-Marie Maloney

The Marrow of My Bones There is a hurt that runs so deep within the marrow of my bones, Twisted lies Deceiving smile Words dipped in scalding...

Two Poems by Maggie Rosen

My Milk Glass Mother You were my thunderstorm mother. You were my abalone mother. You were my milk glass mother. You reveled in flaws. You turned an opaque...