

Two Poems by Breanna deSimone

Breathing Away the Darkness At night, lights appear, unseen amongst daytimes dominating sun. Scattered bits of moon peering curiously through window slats. The warmth of some adjoining room creeping...

Poems and Haiku by Nancy Botta

The divorce. The final chapter of our union tells of bone deep chagrin- the dumb utter of 'I feel statements' plays itself like a mantra, useless invocations found in the crumpled leaflets from...

Two Poems by Linda Umans

Dog Pack  The dog loves the woman. I think of Thumper (dumbass name) named by dumbass couple, Bedford, NY. She didn’t need no lousy name. I don’t need a word, she...

Two Poems by Elnathan Starnes

Trick of Rings and Things“The Lord is my Ringmaster, I’ll always want!” Said Gollum A fiend For the ring Crack ho’ Of his time What is the meaning of the ring? Love is an overrated misunderstood thing Precious metal surrounding the space waiting for something to occupy...

Two Poems by Paula Essex

I Am I am like the Phoenix in mystical mythology regenerating energy amongst the ashes, strengthening my wings over shadows cast by yesterday’s doubts for today…………… I am the...

Two Poems by William Tinto

Awakening in Poesy Town This morning I rose from my bed, as if from between the sheets of the New Yorker, the world random as free verse. Today...

Two Poems by Mike McDermott

Pas de Deux   In our choreography, Dad and I had three types of dance: the shower, the stairs, and the car. The shower’s dance was a slow kabuki-   like...

Two Poems by Sally Toner

If John Waters Hung Out in Reston He’d live in our townhouse, with the filthiest bathroom alive— a rust hole in the sink so big it’ll...

At the Bar by Karen Valentine

Minute shards of glass settle upon the bar counter like finely milled powder The barkeep smiles at no one in particular as if born an automaton No warmth offered...

The Meaning of Life by Matthew Ratz

Doors locked, we hide the keys Jeans frayed across the knees On our backs beneath the stars Basking in an autumn breeze   She spies Polaris, points out Mars They’re...


Three Poems by Caleb Wein

Witness Tree Does it hurt standing there unable to do anything but watch? How long does it take for soil to stop tasting like blood? A decade? A century? We all hold...

A simple piece of cloth by Mahasin D. Shamsid-Deen

These poems are part of a special section of the Mid-Atlantic Review, Celebrating Black History, and selected by editors Khadijah Ali-Coleman, Carolivia Herron, and...

Four Poems by Kathryn C. Bratt-Pfotenhauer

Reading Mayakovsky in BrooklynIt’s past one at the Bad Luck Bar. On the corner, a couplepressed up against an iron fence. The neon lightof...