The sun sleepsIn the dirt, here.I am less smoke, more steam,The refreshing kind of bitter.
In the dirt, here,We’ll plant our feet and leave.The refreshing...
observant gravity
a sort of protestis underway performedin excellent style bythe superfluity of those who have ever beenbeloved by youwho beat with a hoop-stick against...
Suburban Spiritual
Someone plays “Amazing Grace”On a xylophone.Reverbs from the bombingsAdd percussion.
Unexpected heat drives many indoors,Even the crazy flying twin garage flags.Shadows hidden in showersBecome...
Red Tower
At this height, it looks lesslike defeated, more withstood.Summer’s hottest daysin dwindle, retreatinguntil the sameas any other battle foughtand survived. I believein victory,...
That day you went the cracks of dawnThat fractured us like porcelainRan down my road. You called uponAll things but us to start again.That...
From our family bones make marsh-duffsoil, salt, a kingdom of seedling, stalk—Drinking purple dawn, we wade in the strangeautumnal songs, swallow sunshine, sweet cornskin,...