Volume 2 #1


George Jackson: What is Dance?

"Why didn't you give my child anything to dance?" she hissed, "there was not one dance step in that role!"

Laura Schandelmeier: What is Dance?

What is Dance? Dance is the constant query of what it is. What is Dance? = What is Dance? Laura Schandelmeier is a...

Casey Maliszewski: What is Dance?

What is dance? This is such a simple question, with such a difficult answer. No answer is wrong, and no answer is correct. It...

Dana Tai Soon Burgess: What is Dance?

To me, dance is a symbolic, visceral language which directly conveys the subconscious realm. Dana Tai Soon Burgess is a critically acclaimed choreographer, director of...

Meisha Bosma: What is Dance?

Dance is an opportunity to express, to share desires and fears, to define yourself in any given moment. Dance brings diversity into one...

Adrienne Canterna: What is Dance?

Dance is communication...It is freedom and expression...A blessed gift from God...Dance is an elite artform...............I believe dance is love... Adrienne Canterna is an international ballet...

Nejla Yatkin: What is Dance?

This is a very difficult but worthwhile question. To me dance is the language of the soul; it is the way that humans...

Kathryn Sparks: What is Dance?

When I dance I am most who I am, before myself, before my friends and relatives, and before God. I am the most...

Jane Jerardi: What is Dance?

Dance is in large part a celebration of being human; perhaps a method for becoming more human. Dance is ordinary, sensuous, and shows us...

Naoko Maeshiba: What is Dance?

Dance for me is an attempt to find soul. Naoko Maeshiba is an eclectic artist from Kobe, Japan.


Unsayable by Loreena Freed

Unsayable That day you went the cracks of dawnThat fractured us like porcelainRan down my road. You called uponAll things but us to start again.That...

Three Poems by Pamela Mathison-Levitt

What it feels like to tell your child about the loss of your/their human rights The day Roe vs. Wade was overturned,I detached,a power cord...

Three Poems by Barbara Schwartz

Touch From our family bones make marsh-duffsoil, salt, a kingdom of seedling, stalk—Drinking purple dawn, we wade in the strangeautumnal songs, swallow sunshine, sweet cornskin,...