For me, dance is the ultimate art form. Dance requires commitment of the total person in the most visceral, abstract and creative way. You are your body, and your body encompasses all- the musculature, the thoughts, the sensibilities, the awareness, the senses. As dancers, we keep our bodies alert, aware and sensitized. As dance performing artists, we use our bodies as the means of communication and expression . I believe that to live one’s life as an artist is in general is the healthiest and most fulfilling lifestyle. I see dance as the highest and also most natural art form.
Beth Jucovy is director, choreographer and dancer with Dance Visions, which she founded in 1990. She is director of her school “Children Dancing,” dance educator at the Dalton School, and a dance teaching artist with Tilles Center (aesthetic education). She is an Isadora Duncan dance specialist, a protege of Julia Levien, whom she studied with since childhood.