Two Poems by John Tompkins






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Flash of light
Glimpse of a crisp font
Perfect kerning
Gleaming teeth
Saturated color
High contrast
Soothing noise
Smiles everywhere
Work in a pair of breasts
Trigger the reward center

Permeate a scent
Summon images
Sizzle with flavor
Perk the ears
Invoke a feeling
Donā€™t sell the superficial
Project a lifestyle
Get past the clutter
Remember a call to action

All of that energy
All for the blitz
All to be thrown away
All to be clicked over
All to change the channel
All to be ignored

What happens here

For there to be a righteous god
Must love more than me
Must forgive more
Must show patience more
Must be more just

As I walk this world that
He/She/It allegedly governs
I do not see that
Not in others
Not in me

Therefore god
Whoever he/she/it is
Is either not competent
Or not interested
In what happens here

John Tompkins is a writer living in Texas. He has published fiction and non-fiction with a variety of outlets including the American Philosophy Association, Levee Magazine, Metonym Journal, Terse Journal and Glass Mountain.

Image: Leonetto Cappiello, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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