Burning Snowflakes by Rebecca Dietrich






Burning Snowflakes

Radiation rains from above

Like burning snowflakes, it falls.

In awe of its beauty,

I reach out my hand.

The ash stains my palm,

Still warm to the touch.

If only I knew this was the end,

I would have done so much more.

Rebecca Dietrich, a writer from Atlantic City, had her debut chapbook Scholar of the Arts and Inhumanities published by Finishing Line Press in November 2023. Her poetry has been showcased in esteemed publications such as Plumwood Mountain Journal, Steam Ticket, and New Plains Review. Rebecca’s poem “Taken,” which sheds light on the MMIW crisis, was featured in the anthology S/He Speaks: Voices of Women and Trans Folx, published by Moonstone Press in 2023. She holds a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Holocaust & Genocide Studies from Stockton University.

Image: Poliphilo, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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