Three Poems by CanMan Tha Poet






CanMan Tha Poet is a finalist in Day Eight’s annual open-to-all poetry competition, the DC Poet Project. Read more about the DC Poet Project here and attend the culminating reading event Saturday May 4, 2024.


I’m a girl’s best friend
In both her ears more than her phone is
On her fingers attached to a ring
Yet under so much pressure
It may burst pipes
But it made me who I am today
Hidden in the deepest of Roughs
I’m just Shining
Please don’t mine me

The Life of Pi

I wanted to vote Libratarian in the Upcoming election
The way Congressman Pi sees things is truly Revolutionary
Understanding the balance of life is within his hands
Willing to look past people that sales fish off a scale
But not willing to go past fish when he sets sails

Like a true Water Bearer, Reigning on the land making it plentiful
Ramming through any obstacles, showing the people what a real leader can do
He was like Aquarius Ganymede giving Zeus the royal goblet charging up
Turning into Aries willing to show his constituents the Art of war

Giving off real king of the jungle vibez like a Lion
With an ability to pull people close to him like scorpion
Having thousands of people roaring like a leo
And thats truly freaky like a scorpio

While in all actuality he is really a virgo
And thats no bull
People wouldn’t even know that really a virgin
Living with parents and driving a ford Taurus

Only because he just beat stage 2 Cancer showing how triumphant he can be
Did so in the Phillipines, Oversees he’s a true goat
Now he can eat shrimp and crab at cookouts
Drinking Capri-suns and eating popcorn amougst Capricorns at his pep rally’s

Physically he was built like a minotaur
Yet I swear him and I are twins
The last thing he told to me was that every Sag-I-Tear-Is-us
Congressman Pi was a real Gem so am I

However he was a true legend like no other man
He was a real American nothing like the taliban
Making wonders happen all over like no other man can
*Poof* Disapeared into then air, true magical talisman


Everlasting love
Naturally Gifted
Zany by Nature
Overachiever by accident

Brilliant compared to his peers
Readily eager to learn something new
Out of this world potential
Oh my he is a true prince
Kindhearted yet tough
Soooo Proud to have him as my son.

CanMan Tha Poet is an emerging poet from Washington, DC. He graduated Luke C. Moore Academy SHS with the Eagle award for best character and NMTI with certifications in Swedish & Sports Massage. He’s overcome his share of hardships along the way, like losing his parents before the age of 21, which helped him develop a deep passion for poetry. His writing style is diverse and intricate, creating vivid imagery that will leave you spellbound. CanMan Tha Poet is a storyteller who weaves together diverse themes in his poetry. His raw and unfiltered poetry will take you on an enthralling journey through the urban landscapes of his words. Follow him @CanManEnterprises on all socials.

Image: Mauro fiorentino Phonasco et Philopanareto, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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