My Greatest Performance
Long hair, curled to perfection, 5am sharp
Pink frilly dresses and sparkly eye shadow
American Eagle skinny jeans
Peach Aeropostale shirts
Magenta belt wrapped around hips
After a daily shower with coconut shampoo
A body scented of a faint vanilla
Foundation tanning a delicate face
Blonde highlights on silky streaks
Nails of glistening light purple
Lines of Chick Flicks in front of vanities
Tapping a fresh manicure to boy bands
Platform heels off ground-stage
Silver hoops for earlobes to jump through
C cup plucked and laced from my closet
Was the closet always glass?
How did you even know I was in hiding?

Taylor Kovach is a transgender poet who lives in Lincoln Park, Michigan. They hold a bachelor’s degree in psychology, with highest honors, from Michigan State University. Self-taught in the medium of the poetic arts that spans more than a decade, this artist keeps their work far from close to the chest.
Image: Wilfredo Rafael Rodriguez Hernandez, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons