My Greatest Performance by Taylor Kovach






My Greatest Performance

Long hair, curled to perfection, 5am sharp

Pink frilly dresses and sparkly eye shadow

American Eagle skinny jeans

Peach Aeropostale shirts

Magenta belt wrapped around hips

After a daily shower with coconut shampoo

A body scented of a faint vanilla

Foundation tanning a delicate face

Blonde highlights on silky streaks

Nails of glistening light purple

Lines of Chick Flicks in front of vanities

Tapping a fresh manicure to boy bands

Platform heels off ground-stage

Silver hoops for earlobes to jump through

C cup plucked and laced from my closet

Was the closet always glass?

How did you even know I was in hiding?

Taylor Kovach is a transgender poet who lives in Lincoln Park, Michigan. They hold a bachelor’s degree in psychology, with highest honors, from Michigan State University. Self-taught in the medium of the poetic arts that spans more than a decade, this artist keeps their work far from close to the chest.

Image: Wilfredo Rafael Rodriguez Hernandez, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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