The Body


Black Swan

Photo credit: Niko TaverniseDirector - Darren AronofskyWriters - Mark Heyman, Andres Heinz & John McLaughlinChoreographer - Benjamin MillepiedMost mainstream dance films are part of the romantic dramedy genre, but "Black Swan" is anything but typic...

Al Miner on His Self as Subject and Object

"My work is confessional...My self portraits beg for viewers to examine them, and in turn me, as closely as I do myself."

Virginia Woolf aside

A thought from Virginia Woolf about the limitations of an individual to speak un-biased about questions of sex.

The “Stripper” Who Won an Oscar by Judith Lynne Hanna, PhD

Judith Hanna considers why the press has focused on screen-writer Diablo Cody's prior profession, and how being a stripper may have positively influenced her current work.

Why are there no Black Ballerinas?

A quote from an article in The Guardian (UK) about the absence of Black Women in the ballet world

Gender in Dance Leadership by Heather Risley

Commissioned by Bourgeon, Heather Risley reports on Dance USA's national survey of Gender in Dance Leadership, exploring local expressions and influences on this national trend.

Not All Fantasy is Created Equal by Rob Bettmann

A reply by Robert Bettmann to Judith Hanna's article for Bourgeon "Exotic Dance", in which she defends the value of stripping.

Exotic Dance by Judith Hanna

Dr. Judith Hanna asserts that being a stripper is no more damaging than being any other type of theatrical dancer.

Flexaware by Steven Shafarman

Steve Shafarman, Founded of FLEXAWARE, writes about the principles of this new exercise form, with examples.

On Teaching by Helen Rea

Helen Rea discusses her process as a teacher, and the ways that she encourages students to accept and enjoy their experiences in motion.


Unsayable by Loreena Freed

Unsayable That day you went the cracks of dawnThat fractured us like porcelainRan down my road. You called uponAll things but us to start again.That...

Three Poems by Pamela Mathison-Levitt

What it feels like to tell your child about the loss of your/their human rights The day Roe vs. Wade was overturned,I detached,a power cord...

Three Poems by Barbara Schwartz

Touch From our family bones make marsh-duffsoil, salt, a kingdom of seedling, stalk—Drinking purple dawn, we wade in the strangeautumnal songs, swallow sunshine, sweet cornskin,...