Not All Fantasy is Created Equal by Rob Bettmann






-A Reply to Judith Hanna’s defense of stripping-

In “Fantasy: Adult Entertainment Exotic Dance”, Judith Hanna compares the impact of sex work to other professions (including professional dance.) Dr. Hanna tries to deny that sex work has its own particular impacts. However, every profession has a unique profile of risk, and benefit.

At some point in their lives, most people have to make choices based on money. Rather than over-defending stripping, or condemning it, it might make sense to consider if other choices could exist for those who now enter that trade.

As dancers some of us belong to unions. We have Career Transitions For Dancers helping us when we are too old to continue. And we have teachers, mentors, and coaches who hopefully help us make healthful professional decisions. Who is helping sex workers deal with the risks of their profession?

Capitalism creates economic stratification, but also delivers efficiency and innovation. The question in regards to those lowest to the ground — who are the same people that end up working in the sex business — is: does the safety net have to be set so low to the ground?

I’m not certain that strippers deserve special protections. But I believe that if a safety net made it easier for people to survive, and better their lot in life, fewer would choose work with such an exposed risk profile.

Rob Bettmann is the Editor of Bourgeon.

To see the Judith Hanna’s article on Stripping, click here.

Bourgeon’s mission, through our online publication and community initiatives, is twofold: to increase participation in the arts and to improve access to the arts. Bourgeon is a project of the not-for-profit Day Eight.
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