Violent Glamour by Calum Roberston






Violent Glamour

Cuchulainn, o ancient celtic drag queen
struts her stuff onto the plain, sashays across the battlefield
intent on sowing pain and reaping lumpen carcasses
which to her slaying o queen slay attest
with leather battlebelt worn and crested helmet adorned
a monstrous battle cry is left to summon up some demons
for a little fighting fun
to writhe guts and make of each bone a deadly blade
corpses all – the men of Connacht are scared
as Cuchulainn in gory glitzy glare storms the day
lightning spear flash quick as Ru Paul’s snap
Dolly Parton’s cattle owner revenge made home in Celtic vengeful flesh
Cuchulainn butchers the competition
lining her hillfort with the rotting, decaying heads
of those who dared test and try her
taking scarlet kitten heels for defeat
and not the threat and hints of raw furious strength they so clearly are

Calum Robertson is a fulltime daydreamer, part-time tea-drinker from Calgary, Canada. Their work has appeared in Bourgeon Online Magazine, deathcap, nod, Tofu Ink Arts Press, and In Parentheses. They’d like to be reincarnated as a peacock, next time around.

Image by Haydn Blackey from Cardiff, Wales, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

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