

Virginia Woolf aside

A thought from Virginia Woolf about the limitations of an individual to speak un-biased about questions of sex.

The “Stripper” Who Won an Oscar by Judith Lynne Hanna, PhD

Judith Hanna considers why the press has focused on screen-writer Diablo Cody's prior profession, and how being a stripper may have positively influenced her current work.

Not All Fantasy is Created Equal by Rob Bettmann

A reply by Robert Bettmann to Judith Hanna's article for Bourgeon "Exotic Dance", in which she defends the value of stripping.

Exotic Dance by Judith Hanna

Dr. Judith Hanna asserts that being a stripper is no more damaging than being any other type of theatrical dancer.

The DC Cowboys by Kevin Platte

The founder and Artistic Director of the D.C. Cowboys writes about his work with the company, their mission, and their plans.

Local Work (or not so local) by Jessica Hirst

"One of my least favorite cultural institutions here is the Auto Hotel. Auto Hotels are designed expressly for covert sexual encounters, and they’re everywhere. When you drive into an auto-hotel an attendant waves you toward a very tight enclosed parking space."


Five Poems by Virginia Bell

Meuse I Pron.: /ˈmjuz/ a depression leftin the grass, a shallowbowl, or profound, a gap in the hedgethe hog trespassed, in otherwords, not the animal but the space...

Two Poems by Ann-Marie Maloney

The Marrow of My Bones There is a hurt that runs so deep within the marrow of my bones, Twisted lies Deceiving smile Words dipped in scalding...

Two Poems by Maggie Rosen

My Milk Glass Mother You were my thunderstorm mother. You were my abalone mother. You were my milk glass mother. You reveled in flaws. You turned an opaque...